Abstract in inglese

Milano "attinge" energia dall'acqua di falda

The water in the canals and fountains and the ground water could be used as alternative sources. The abundant ground water could prove an important resource for the city’s future energy needs. Unlike fossil fuels, it costs nothing and does not pollute.
Aem is ready to implement innovative remote heating and remote cooling projects in the metropolitan area using “heat pump technology ” and ground water.
The heat pump is a machine able to transfer heat from a lower temperature body (ground water) to a higher temperature body, thanks to external action supplied by a compressor, which is usually electrically powered. The project optimises the heating service in the new areas of development (the first five on the schedule are in Canavese, Gonin, Ricevitrice Nord, Ricevitrice Sud e Bovisa). The first ground water remote heating plant, in Canavese, will begin operation during the next heating season 2007-2008).

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